Liftomatic Material Handling, Inc.
700 Dartmouth Lane Buffalo Grove, IL 60089
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Item # L4C, Carriage Mounted LOM 4 Drum Handler
List Price QUOTE
High volume Parrot-Beak® drum handler offers productivity and flexibility with low head clearance. Mounts directly to ITA forklift carriage (specify class I, II or III), this automatic and mechanical forklift attachment can pick up 1,2,3 or 4 drums at one time. L4C handles all conventional rimmed steel, fiber and plastic drums. Ideal for conveyor work, pallet change-outs, truck and container loading, general warehousing and all stacking and high-volume drum handling applications; especially for low ceiling warehouses. L4C is well suited to “dedicated” operations where forklift(s) are permanently used for drum handling routines.